Baird Wealth Management
Club Level Season Ticket Packages
Full Season Ticket Package
$2,400 / Full Season
Top fans can guarantee their DockHounds seat for all 50 home games.
Every pitch. Every homer. Every victory!
As a season ticketholder, you won’t miss a moment of Lake Country’s biggest, wildest action!
Think you’re #1 fan material? Dive right in!
Season perks
- Guaranteed giveaways
- Ticketholder batting practice
- Free parking
- Payment plan options
- Preseason "Meet the Hounds"
- Appreciation Day events
- "Member of the Game"
- Same seat season to season
- Season Ticket Holder Gift
- Single Game Discounts
- Exclusive Presale Offers
- Flexible Exchange
- AA Baseball TV Subscription
Half Season Ticket Package
$1,200 / Half Season
Save a spot at half (25) of our most spectacular and fun-packed home games.
Half Season Game Pack Dates:
Half Pack A
Friday, May 16th vs F-M
Saturday, May 17th vs F-M
Tuesday, May 20th vs SF
Thursday, May 22nd vs SF
Saturday, May 31st vs WPG
Tuesday, June 3rd vs GAR
Thursday, June 5th vs GAR
Saturday, June 7th vs SC
Tuesday, June 17th vs LIN
Thursday, June 19th vs LIN
Friday, June 20th vs MKE
Sunday, June 22nd vs MKE
Wednesday, July 2nd vs CHI
Thursday, July 3rd vs CHI
Sunday, July 6th vs CLE
Tuesday, July 15th vs GAR
Wednesday, July 30th vs CLE
Monday, August 4th vs KCO
Wednesday, August 6th vs KCO
Friday, August 8th vs CHI
Sunday, August 10th vs CHI
Saturday, August 16th vs MKE
Friday, August 22nd vs KCO
Sunday, August 24th vs KCO
Wednesday, August 27th vs CHI
Half Pack B
Sunday, May 18th vs F-M
Wednesday, May 21st vs SF
Friday, May 30th vs WPG
Sunday, June 1st vs WPG
Wednesday, June 4th vs GAR
Friday, June 6th vs SC
Sunday, June 8th vs SC
Wednesday, June 18th vs LIN
Saturday, June 21st vs MKE
Tuesday, July 1st vs CHI
Friday, July 4th vs CLE
Saturday, July 5th vs CLE
Monday, July 14th vs GAR
Wednesday, July 16th vs GAR
Thursday, July 17th vs GAR
Tuesday, July 29th vs CLE
Thursday, July 31st vs CLE
Tuesday, August 5th vs KCO
Thursday, August 7th vs KCO
Saturday, August 9th vs CHI
Friday, August 15th vs MKE
Sunday, August 17th vs MKE
Saturday, August 23rd vs KCO
Tuesday, August 26th vs CHI
Thursday, August 28th vs CHI
Half-season perks
- Guaranteed giveaways
- Ticketholder batting practice
- Free parking
- Payment plan options
- Preseason "Meet the Hounds"
- Appreciation Day events
- "Member of the Game"
- Same seat season to season
- Season Ticket Holder Gift
- Single Game Discounts
- Exclusive Presale Offers
- Flexible Exchange
- AA Baseball TV Subscription
10 Game Ticket Package
$500 / 10 Game Pack
10 of the most popular games.
10 Game Pack Dates
10 Game Pack A
Friday, May 16th vs F-M
Saturday, May 17th vs F-M
Saturday, May 31st vs WPG
Saturday, June 7th vs SC
Friday, June 20th vs MKE
Thursday, July 3rd vs CHI
Sunday, July 6th vs CLE
Friday, August 8th vs CHI
Saturday, August 16th vs MKE
Friday, August 22nd vs KCO
10 Game Pack B
Sunday, May 18th vs F-M
Friday, May 30th vs WPG
Wednesday, June 4th vs GAR
Friday, June 6th vs SC
Saturday, June 21st vs MKE
Friday, July 4th vs CLE
Monday, July 14th vs GAR
Saturday, August 9th vs CHI
Friday, August 15th vs MKE
Thursday, August 28th vs CHI
10 Game Pack C
Wednesday, May 21st vs SF
Sunday, June 1st vs WPG
Sunday, June 8th vs SC
Wednesday, June 18th vs LIN
Tuesday, July 1st vs CHI
Wednesday, July 16th vs GAR
Tuesday, July 29th vs CLE
Tuesday, August 5th vs KCO
Saturday, August 23rd vs KCO
Tuesday, August 26th vs CHI
Package perks
- Guaranteed giveaways within your package
- Ticketholder batting practice
- Free parking
- Payment plan options
- Season Ticket Holder Gift
- Single Game Discounts
- Exclusive Presale Offers
- Flexible Exchange
- AA Baseball TV Subscription
5 Game Ticket Package
$260 / 5 Game Pack
Guarantee Your Opening Day Tickets – 5-Pack will lock in your seats to the hottest event in Lake Country plus more of the top-tier entertainment games.
5 Game Pack Dates
5 Game Pack A
Friday, May 16th vs F-M
Saturday, June 7th vs SC
Friday, June 20th vs MKE
Thursday, July 3rd vs CHI
Saturday, August 16th vs MKE
5 Game Pack B
Wednesday, May 21st vs SF
Sunday, June 8th vs SC
Tuesday, July 1st vs CHI
Tuesday, July 29th vs CLE
Saturday, August 23rd vs KCO
5 Game Pack C
Sunday, June 1st vs WIN
Wednesday, June 18th vs LIN
Wednesday, July 16th vs GAR
Tuesday, August 5th vs KCO
Tuesday, August 26th vs CHI
5 Game Pack D
Sunday, May 18th vs F-M
Wednesday, June 4th vs GAR
Friday, July 4th vs CLE
Friday, August 15th vs MKE
Thursday, August 28th vs CHI
5 Game Pack E
Friday, May 30th vs WPG
Friday, June 6th vs SC
Saturday, June 21st vs MKE
Monday, July 14th vs GAR
Saturday, August 9th vs CHI
5 Game Pack F
Saturday, July 5th vs CLE
Thursday, July 17th vs GAR
Thursday, July 31st vs CLE
Thursday, August 7th vs KCO
Sunday, August 17th vs MKE
Package perks
- Season Ticket Holder Gift
- Single Game Discounts
- Exclusive Presale Offers
- Flexible Exchange